Saturday, April 5, 2008

Compliment for BFF?!?

So...BFF is losing weight also. She looks so great it is unreal. She has lost more than I, somewhere around 35-40 lbs. Yes, she has a way to go, but she is going. Her husband, like mine, is not (outwardly anyway) appreciative of or really noticing this transformation. He does support her exercise tho'.

Yesterday, on the way to work, found herself in the unfortunate situation of having to walk to the gas station for some fuel to start the car. While on this walk, someone in a car driving by honked his horn and shouted "lift your shirt!"

If she had told me this in person I would have high-fived her. While not the type of attention she is hoping for, it was a validation of all the hard work she has done.

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